Abr's blogs and posts

...Daily links and food for thoughts ............... It's my Town ............ My weekly columns Abr's No Comment My Town Abramo Rincoln the zombie hunter

Abr's No Comment


Sorprese a Melbourne


Sotto il buonismo, gnente


Un consiglio a Camillo


Blackout in SouthAfrika


Eppur - finalmente - si muove?


Political Stalemate


Che razza di partita!


Biglietti prego


TQV delle Libertà




Rudy piace agli Evangelici; e pure ai media?


Facciamo il punto


No Sissies

Ne quid nimis blog

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Today's Birthday

Quote of the Day
And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.
Gilbert Chesterton


- The Father Blog

Ne quid nimis - T

- The GrandFather Blog:

Ne quid nimis - T
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